We’re becoming paranoid about kids, parks (Opinion)

A couple of weeks ago, the Debra Harrell story made national headlines. Harrell was arrested in North Augusta, S.C., and charged with a felony for letting her 9-year-old daughter play at a park while Harrell worked a shift at a local McDonald’s. Now, it has happened again, in Port St. Lucie, Fla., where a mother was charged with child neglect after letting her son go to a park by himself. Full Op-Ed Piece

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We’re becoming paranoid about kids, parks?!?!?! That’s the understatement of the year! I read the mother in SC gave her kid a cell phone in case she needed it and the park was visible from the Mc Donald’s where she worked. This is pretty ridiculous and should be a false arrest and violation of the mother’s and child’s rights. I suppose the cop has been exposed to so much BS; or drank to much kool-aid if you prefer, for so long that he actually believes the BS.

It’s pretty obvious the woman at the park who the reporter quoted in the newscast is equally as dumbstruck as the cop; you can tell by her statement “ that kids left by themselves at public parks are at risk of being snatched by strangers.” Because there is so much information out there that disproves these kinds of statements I do believe I’m going to refer to people making these kinds of statements as stupid from this day on because there is so much information out there there is no longer any excuse for not knowing that this nothing more that people talking about something they know nothing about. When is someone going to ask someone; anyone, “where’s the proof?

Next thing you know, they’ll make the mom register as sexually violent predator.

They make arrests like this so they can force their rhetoric upon even this non-believer. If they miss opportunities like this, the public will begin to realize the sky isn’t falling. This prosecution is window dressing and likely election year tactics to reinforce the state of panic and keep the public misinformed. What better way to do this than to prosecute another crime that did not happen. But since the
registry is all about being punished for crimes that have yet to be committed, this
fits the bill and allows blowhard politicos to even pad their resumes with this travesty.

If there is anything left of the constitution, they’re trying like hell to put out the few remaining embers as a once great document smolders…

Provide this woman with a decent living, so she can afford child care. Better for the child than having his mother sent to jail, and the psychological pain that would result. The people prosecuting these cases show no empathy for children or the poor. The plan is segregate them institutionalize them profit from them.